Source code for pymanopt.optimizers.steepest_descent

import time
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np

from pymanopt.optimizers.line_search import BackTrackingLineSearcher
from pymanopt.optimizers.optimizer import Optimizer, OptimizerResult
from import printer

[docs]class SteepestDescent(Optimizer): """Riemannian steepest descent algorithm. Perform optimization using gradient descent with line search. This method first computes the gradient of the objective, and then optimizes by moving in the direction of steepest descent (which is the opposite direction to the gradient). Args: line_searcher: The line search method. """ def __init__(self, line_searcher=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if line_searcher is None: self._line_searcher = BackTrackingLineSearcher() else: self._line_searcher = line_searcher self.line_searcher = None # Function to solve optimisation problem using steepest descent.
[docs] def run( self, problem, *, initial_point=None, reuse_line_searcher=False ) -> OptimizerResult: """Run steepest descent algorithm. Args: problem: Pymanopt problem class instance exposing the cost function and the manifold to optimize over. The class must either initial_point: Initial point on the manifold. If no value is provided then a starting point will be randomly generated. reuse_line_searcher: Whether to reuse the previous line searcher. Allows to use information from a previous call to :meth:`solve`. Returns: Local minimum of the cost function, or the most recent iterate if algorithm terminated before convergence. """ manifold = problem.manifold objective = problem.cost gradient = problem.riemannian_gradient if not reuse_line_searcher or self.line_searcher is None: self.line_searcher = deepcopy(self._line_searcher) line_searcher = self.line_searcher # If no starting point is specified, generate one at random. if initial_point is None: x = manifold.random_point() else: x = initial_point if self._verbosity >= 1: print("Optimizing...") if self._verbosity >= 2: iteration_format_length = int(np.log10(self._max_iterations)) + 1 column_printer = printer.ColumnPrinter( columns=[ ("Iteration", f"{iteration_format_length}d"), ("Cost", "+.16e"), ("Gradient norm", ".8e"), ] ) else: column_printer = printer.VoidPrinter() column_printer.print_header() self._initialize_log( optimizer_parameters={"line_searcher": line_searcher} ) # Initialize iteration counter and timer iteration = 0 start_time = time.time() while True: iteration += 1 # Calculate new cost, grad and gradient_norm cost = objective(x) grad = gradient(x) gradient_norm = manifold.norm(x, grad) column_printer.print_row([iteration, cost, gradient_norm]) self._add_log_entry( iteration=iteration, point=x, cost=cost, gradient_norm=gradient_norm, ) # Descent direction is minus the gradient desc_dir = -grad # Perform line-search step_size, x = objective, manifold, x, desc_dir, cost, -(gradient_norm**2) ) stopping_criterion = self._check_stopping_criterion( start_time=start_time, step_size=step_size, gradient_norm=gradient_norm, iteration=iteration, ) if stopping_criterion: if self._verbosity >= 1: print(stopping_criterion) print("") break return self._return_result( start_time=start_time, point=x, cost=objective(x), iterations=iteration, stopping_criterion=stopping_criterion, cost_evaluations=iteration, step_size=step_size, gradient_norm=gradient_norm, )